Open your window- let life in….

The nuances of the nonchalant frustrate the non free thinkers-
Conformist pushing for reform
the word free never meant so little as the idea of happy
Hail storms hover above the ambitions of the faint hearted
Devoured by the participants that left their values unguarded
Virtuous and non promising
The gamble of honesty
The travel of the light footed and the baggage of their cadre
Claims staked to fate
While the fatuous take the bait
In haste the most obvious is always the mistake
Twist of fate
Flights landing with much of the candor the upstanding carry in their carry ons
In the twist of the night there always comes a breaking dawn
Only the memoirs of the forgotten remain
Only the hope of the lost is left to gain
Blank stares at blank pages and the words never came
Blank stares on blank faces
But the things that memories retain
The night air whistles heavy with the song of sleep
The stillness promises only to keep over until the morning
Not caught up in the counting of days the rays of the sun promise new chances and nothing all the same
Unrelated coincidences leave nothing to chance and everything to the way it is and shall continue
Freedom only begins when you choose to open your window

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