
Forced- like the smile on a stranger with the intentions of making it through a Monday morning, the rigidness of expectation traps me. I don’t look forward to playing by the rules, not because I’m a rebel, but because it stifles my freedom. A free being with the desire of being led by my inspiration, right into the things meant for me seems too right to be a fantasy. The hypnotism of those around me make me question my own sanity and perhaps if they aren’t crazy, then crazy is something I need.

Reality was created by popularity and driven by a need to assimilate in likeness- forged camaraderie. If the fakers are our friends than our enemies are surely our soul mates, that we are destined to never find, to keep us in the misery of the hunt. Unless of course you realize that within this world is your world and in that you call the shots. People aren’t familiar, they change with every experience, but faces are. Faces that we attach too much meaning and emotion to without listening to the syllables of our heart, sounding out the truth of any situation. We rely on our familiar antics- tried, tested, and true, to get out of situations that try to tell us something about ourselves, yet we pass on the lesson. ‘Perhaps when we have more time’ we tell ourselves.

Sleep finds the ignorant well at night and skips over the opinionated. Truth lies dormant behind doors people willingly keep closed. A closet full or secrets is no way to die and leave to divide among the ones that said they loved their idea of you. But truth will only ever make a difference to the ones willing to live in it. The few. Basking in the glory of the eloquent, the implied meaning of silence and feeling are overpowered by directional cues given by the impatient and followed by the obedient brain of the listener. We remain as we allow ourselves to be, the titles wedded so tightly behind our name, they’re rigid and arbitrary at the same time. How much of life is yours? How much are you willing to leave behind? The only things we own are not tangible in the sense of how we quantify all of our other material. Wealth is the lesson that the poor in spirit teach the driven. Losing is the best way to realize how much you’ve given. If nothing makes sense, than know that love will.

Love always will.

Photo: Duality. by Noir-Division

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